Kunstig intelligens er i ferd med å forme hverdagen til dagens ungdom
Hver måned får du tilgang til de viktigste rapportene jeg har kommet over, fra måneden som gikk. Trender, teknologiutvikling, markedsføring, kommunikasjon, handel, samt digitale- og sosiale medier.
Månedens viktigste rapporter er kun tilgjengelig for deg som er «Opplyst«-medlem.
Beklager at mars-oversikten kommer farlig sent.
Key HR Metrics: The Best Bosses Say These 9 Things
Employee engagement is always greatly heightened by excellent communication. That’s why the most tremendous bosses use these 9 statements on a regular, and in some cases, daily basis. Our research and survey of over 250,000 CHROs and Management Executives scientifically identified these 9 key communication factors as critical to reaching world-class engagement levels.
Les hele rapporten her: w_keva35
Gartner: Top 10 strategic technology trends in 2020
The year 2020 heralds another decade rich with disruptive technology trends. Some of these technologies are already commonplace, but the proliferation of new use cases and applications will see industry grappling with both benefits and opportunities. At Gartner, we predict that the key strategic technology trends in 2020 will include hyperautomation, blockchain and artificial intelligence security, among others.
Les hele rapporten her: Gartner_Top_10_strategic_technology_trends_in_2020
5 Reasons Every Digital Business Is Going Cloud-native
Cloud-native architecture is exploding in popularity. By 2021, an estimated 94 percent of workloads and compute instances will be processed by cloud data centers.1 Why the push to cloud-native? Because the technology benefits of adopting a cloud-native strategy have a direct impact on business outcomes for the enterprise.
To expand revenue and manage cost, it’s crucial for businesses to operate and adapt faster, take immediate advantage of opportunities, reduce risk, and place customers at the center of everything. Cloud-native architecture is foundational to achieving these outcomes.
Les hele rapporten her: 5 Reasons to Go Cloud-native
The CxO Report: The Road to Customerization
As we define it, customerization is an organization’s realignment of how they organize, operate, market, support and engage customers in an open, transparent and trustful manner, while accommodating the customer’s preferences as an individual.
Les hele rapporten her: The-CxO-Report-The-Road-to-Customerization
A marketer’s guide to local marketing for multi-location businesses
This report examines the current market for local marketing solutions (LMS) for multi-location businesses and the considerations involved in implementing LMS software. This report answers the following questions:
• Why do multi-location brands need LMS software?
• What are the elements of a successful local marketing campaign?
• Which elements of local marketing can be automated?
• What capabilities do local marketing solutions provide?
• Who are the leading players in local marketing solutions for multi-location businesses? • How much do LMS cost?
• What questions should we ask ourselves and vendors before we adopt this software?
Les hele rapporten her: MIR_1508_LocMkgAuto
Top 20 B2B Marketing Charts of 2019
In the following pages we’ll learn about B2B content marketing from both the marketer and buyer perspective. We’ll also see how B2B marketers like yourself are tackling various initiatives at different stages of the funnel, as well as some of the new efforts that might be underway this year.
Les hele rapporten her: w_marr09
Introduction to Content Marketing Cheat Sheet
Convincing prospects to buy into your brand comes down to creating perceived value for your products and services. People are not receptive to hard-sell messaging right away, so you have to guide them down a path that helps them feel engaged and helps them solve a key challenge or address an unfulfilled need.
To lead them through this journey, you need to be armed with an arsenal of engaging, relevant content. Having the right content allows you to stand out in a crowded marketplace. Remember that today’s buyers are constantly bombarded by marketing messages, of which they’ll only remember a fraction and act on even fewer. So, what does it take to break through the noise?
Les hele rapporten her: Content-Marketing-Cheat-Sheet
100 mulige endringer som følge av koronaviruset
Konsekvensene av koronaviruset kan bli at vi kanskje står overfor ett av de største økonomiske tilbakeslagene i moderne tid. Det er for tidlig å si hva slags konsekvenser dette vil få, men vi vet at det vil føre til dyptgripende endringer, både nasjonalt og globalt. Krisen utfordrer oss fundamentalt, men kan og vil også føre til nyskaping og innovasjon.
For å kunne gripe fatt i de mulighetene og utfordringene som helt sikkert vil oppstå må man tørre å tenke annerledes og kreativt, det er nettopp det vi gjør i TRY Råd. Vi har lest det vi har kommet over av tilgjengelige artikler og fagstoff, og vi har snakket med kunder, samarbeidspartnere og kolleger på TRY-huset om hvordan fremtiden kan se ut. Resultatet er denne listen med 100 endringer vi tror kan påvirke verden under og etter korona.
Les hele rapporten her: 100 mulige endringer
Creating Landing Pages That Convert
If you’re looking to gather leads for your business, you need to have a landing pages strategy. Just like every other marketing tactic, this can be done well or it can be done poorly. In order to see the greatest return on their investment, businesses need to build effective landing pages, and then test and optimize them in order to maximize conversion rates.
This guide is written for any marketer looking to initiate or improve their landing page strategy. It will guide you through the entire process of creating and optimizing landing pages, highlighting key points along the way. By the end, you’ll be ready to use SharpSpring to start creating and optimizing your own landing pages successfully.
Les hele rapporten her: SHA_1803_LandPagGde
How to effectively cope with isolation : Social distancing based on personality
We’ve all felt the chaos of the past couple of months as the Coronavirus spreads rapidly around the world. Now labeled a Pandemic by the World Health Organization, the Coronavirus has had a major impact, not only on the health of people on a global scale, but on how we function in our world.
While it may seem overwhelming, Social Distancing, as health experts are calling it, can have a dramatically positive impact on the spread of the disease, as well as the toll it takes on health care providers. So, even though it may feel stressful, it’s important to follow the advice offered to us by health care professionals and minimize contact with other people.
Les hele rapporten her: Social Distancing